Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Profile Project Progress

The Profile Project was a project where we interviewed someone for an earlier generation to get there perspective on life, and gives us some advise to use in later life. My team consisted of Emiliano De La Mora, Maverick Yadao, and Justin Paleka. We interviewed Kora Quintana's father Gino Quintana, who is a soccer coach. We interviewed him because he grew up playing soccer and having to struggle with his grades while away from school for months at a time.

B-Roll footage and voice-overs help tell a story much better than just a set of footage. B-Roll can help with transitions and to cut out parts of the main footage you don't want. Our B-Roll footage we used was of him at the soccer field he coached at for the sports aspect of the theme and a few shots of him doing school work for the work aspect of this.

But despite all the technical and communication issues I think that we did a good job overall even if we didn't get the best grade on it. The graph below was the grade my team and I got for it. Though I think that it was a fair grade considering our B-Roll clips were too short and our voiceovers were kind of loud.

Five Tips For...

The Five Tips For... project was an early project our class did in the first quarter of the year. We had to come up with five tips that people today could use in there everyday lives. Our team chose the tips from One Griffin who came up with five tips for getting better sleep. We chose these tips because it is a common problem among teenagers. While One was the only person who took any film, I created the soundtrack in GarageBand, and Angalie Kaden did the voiceovers. If we could have done something to make it better, I think we probably could have lowered the volume of the music and the voiceovers because both were excessively loud.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

Before we did the Profile Project, my team and I had to create a practice story so we knew what we had to do for the main project. My team decided to interview me about my hobby as a parkour amateur. I think my team chose to interview me is because they didn't know who else to interview. The way they had me preform the B-roll didn't feel right. It was too easy for me, but i don't think I would have been able to make a difference. I answered a few questions and edited a few clips and that was about it.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Composition Techniques

This was our awful example of composition techniques.
Composition Techniques are ways to add interesting visuals to a film. The four main composition techniques are rule of thirds, framing, leading lines and unusual angles.

Rule of thirds is when a subject in a shot is not placed in the center of the shot.

Framing is when the subject is placed in an area where they are framed by a rectangle of naturally occurring lines.

Leading lines is when lines in nature go straight to a certain point to draw attention to that point.

Unusual angles are shots that have a unique perspective on a subject that you would not normally see.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Three Shot Sequence

This is my three shot sequencing video I created with my team of One Griffin and Angelie Kaden.
A three shot sequence is a way to add drama and help visualization to clips. By changing between close, medium and wide shots, a director can create a certain depth of the action that viewers can understand.

A three shot sequence can promote continuity by clarifying what someone is watching. It compresses the time of a clip and adds a look of professionalism.Without a three shot sequence a shot will look bland. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

A week ago my class was split into teams of three and told to create a practice interview. I was grouped with Maverick Yadao, Justin Paleka, and Emiliano De La Mora to work with. Of course I wasn't exactly exited about it, but it was either that or a group with only girls. We figured out what our subject was and who was doing what.

The next day we went to shoot our b-roll footage and that was when we had our first issue. we couldn't find a place to shoot because it had rained earlier that day. Then we couldn't find out exactly what I was going to do. When we did find out what I was going to do, the rest of my team wanted me to do that thing almost 6 times. But I guess it was worth it because we got some really good shots.

The day after that we went to shoot out interview and Emiliano decided to be a doof and we had to wait until he left to shoot. When we got the interview done we started to work on the editing part of this process. We worked for the next few days to get the video perfect. Then I guess we could have spent more time on it because we got a grade that was not what I expected.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Spherical Panos

These are two Spherical Panoramas I created using Photoshop by editing a 360 degree panorama photo. I first make the rectangular photo a square, then add a polar filter to the image to wrap one end to the other. Then I clean up the seams by using a spot brush that takes a sample of a clean part of an image and replaces the chosen area with the clean part. Then I create the fade effect around the edges by selecting around my spherical image and feathering it. These panoramas are in my Digital Sketchbook.