Friday, February 7, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

A week ago my class was split into teams of three and told to create a practice interview. I was grouped with Maverick Yadao, Justin Paleka, and Emiliano De La Mora to work with. Of course I wasn't exactly exited about it, but it was either that or a group with only girls. We figured out what our subject was and who was doing what.

The next day we went to shoot our b-roll footage and that was when we had our first issue. we couldn't find a place to shoot because it had rained earlier that day. Then we couldn't find out exactly what I was going to do. When we did find out what I was going to do, the rest of my team wanted me to do that thing almost 6 times. But I guess it was worth it because we got some really good shots.

The day after that we went to shoot out interview and Emiliano decided to be a doof and we had to wait until he left to shoot. When we got the interview done we started to work on the editing part of this process. We worked for the next few days to get the video perfect. Then I guess we could have spent more time on it because we got a grade that was not what I expected.

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