Wednesday, January 15, 2014

All About Me

There are things in this world that we don't understand... I am one of those things. When you meet me you will think that there is nothing wrong with me, but underneath my skin there is a raging tempest of emotion. I get angry or upset very easily. That is why I made the decision to preform parkour. Parkour helps me let out my feelings on the world.

Parkour is by definition: "a method of getting to point A to point B  in the most efficient way possible using yourself and the environment around you." I really enjoy doing this activity because it gives me a feeling that I can break free from everything. That and the fact that I get such a rush from it.

I have many interest other than parkour. Like GreekRoman, and Egyptian mythology. I think that they are very interesting. I am also an amateur MC (not really, I'm pretty bad). I like to play Minecraft in my spare time and I think I'm pretty good at that.


  1. Good explanations. Very explicit.

  2. Hey tyler nice beehive pattern background thing

  3. I didn't know you were an "amateur MC" haha, but yeah I like your background.
